Monday, January 7, 2013

Nuclear Vs. Foreign and Domestic Oil

Nuclear is worse than Foreign and Domestic Oil because once you inhale it it's in your body for ever. Nuclear can flow through your body and it's very bad for your health. If you have kids while there is Nuclear in you, you can affect your kids and they can have it in them, Your children can pass it on to theirs and so on.  Foreign and Domestic Oil are bad too but not as bad as Nuclear. Nuclear can make your kids sick. Some kids come to the world deformed because of Nuclear. It's understandable that wars can be started by Foreign and Domestic Oil but then there's all this Nuclear in such place and it's harming all the people living there. The important event that happened in 2011 with Fukushima that was the second largest nuclear disaster. Also Chernobyl. The oil is bad too and it's getting worse because everyone wants/needs oil. Nuclear is still worse.

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