Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I learned that global warming is actually important in the world. I never thought it was/could get this bad. Polar bears are drowning, They are trying to find the ice but they cant because almost all of it is gone, Its melting! There was a wave that is 1,720ft. That wave is the largest wave on record!Then there was a massive heat wave in 2003 and 35,000 people were killed because they couldn't take the heat. With all the stuff that is happening in the world there are people who still believe global warming doesn't exist, But how? It exist! People need to know what's happening. This is dangerous it's 2013 it would just get worse. There is plenty of things you can do so that it wont be too bad but its not like its going to fix it. The damage is already done and this is a big one. This is what's happening with the Polar Bears. This is the largest wave recorded. This happened because of a earthquake.
This was the temperature in 2003 when that massive heat wave occurred.
See what's happening now? This can be us next! Know your information! It's important to know what's going on.


  1. Great facts and picture to show us what is really happening to our world! ^.^ Would read again!

  2. did you know there are 103 nuclear power plants in 31 states in US.
