Friday, January 4, 2013

Fracking Vs. Coal

Fracking is worse than coal because coal can be in different small areas but fracking can go everywhere and kill everyone. Fracking can get people sick. The reason why I say that fracking is worse than coal is because when the water gets contaminated in one place the water starts to flow and where ever the water flows to that's where the people from that particular place get their water. The people who have well water are the ones who get affected because they get their water from the flowing water. Workers try to get rid of all the contamination but they make it worse by adding chemicals to it and it just contaminates it more. Coal is bad and does get you sick but not like fracking you can get all types of cancer's and tumors, you can lose your tasting feeling when you eat, you can have loss of smell and it goes further. In Coal you get sick with black lung even though it is still bad for your health, Fracking is still worse.

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