Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Nuclear is the worst way to power our planet. Nuclear is dangerous and horrible. Nuclear is something that you’d like to get rid of fast because nothing good would be coming your way if you live anywhere near it. Nuclear releases Radiation and it would effect your health, I saw a video of babies who were born deformed because of Nuclear 140,000 people were evacuated, with thousands more fleeing. 160 people at the plant at the time may have been exposed to the radiation. Everything came after the earthquake and the tsunami. Death’s after all of this was 1,800 and expected to rise because of everything going on. 6 months and 300,000 workers to build a giant steel tube and concrete designed to seal tons of nuclear fuel ç. Japan will need decades to clean up after Fukishima Daiichi the world’s worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl in 1986. These babies and people didn’t even live their life or grow old normally. Some of these people didn’t even get to live any more. Nuclear is the worst way to power the planet it’s horrible.  You can get Nuclear in you by just breathing it in, Once it’s in you its already running in your blood and it’s already starting to effect you, your health.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Nuclear Vs. Foreign and Domestic Oil

Nuclear is worse than Foreign and Domestic Oil because once you inhale it it's in your body for ever. Nuclear can flow through your body and it's very bad for your health. If you have kids while there is Nuclear in you, you can affect your kids and they can have it in them, Your children can pass it on to theirs and so on.  Foreign and Domestic Oil are bad too but not as bad as Nuclear. Nuclear can make your kids sick. Some kids come to the world deformed because of Nuclear. It's understandable that wars can be started by Foreign and Domestic Oil but then there's all this Nuclear in such place and it's harming all the people living there. The important event that happened in 2011 with Fukushima that was the second largest nuclear disaster. Also Chernobyl. The oil is bad too and it's getting worse because everyone wants/needs oil. Nuclear is still worse.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fracking Vs. Coal

Fracking is worse than coal because coal can be in different small areas but fracking can go everywhere and kill everyone. Fracking can get people sick. The reason why I say that fracking is worse than coal is because when the water gets contaminated in one place the water starts to flow and where ever the water flows to that's where the people from that particular place get their water. The people who have well water are the ones who get affected because they get their water from the flowing water. Workers try to get rid of all the contamination but they make it worse by adding chemicals to it and it just contaminates it more. Coal is bad and does get you sick but not like fracking you can get all types of cancer's and tumors, you can lose your tasting feeling when you eat, you can have loss of smell and it goes further. In Coal you get sick with black lung even though it is still bad for your health, Fracking is still worse.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I learned that global warming is actually important in the world. I never thought it was/could get this bad. Polar bears are drowning, They are trying to find the ice but they cant because almost all of it is gone, Its melting! There was a wave that is 1,720ft. That wave is the largest wave on record!Then there was a massive heat wave in 2003 and 35,000 people were killed because they couldn't take the heat. With all the stuff that is happening in the world there are people who still believe global warming doesn't exist, But how? It exist! People need to know what's happening. This is dangerous it's 2013 it would just get worse. There is plenty of things you can do so that it wont be too bad but its not like its going to fix it. The damage is already done and this is a big one. This is what's happening with the Polar Bears. This is the largest wave recorded. This happened because of a earthquake.
This was the temperature in 2003 when that massive heat wave occurred.
See what's happening now? This can be us next! Know your information! It's important to know what's going on.